Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Calculate How Much Concrete I Need ?
Determine the size of the slab required Length x Width x Height = Square Meters, then call to order Click Here to use our calculator
What Mix Types Can You Supply?
Our state of the art Volumetric Mixer truck can mix almost any mix on site, we can even change the mix design to suit different applications on the same job site.
Access To Our Project Is Difficult
Give us a Call us to discuss distance and how close the mixer can get to the site pour
What Happens If I Dont Order Enough Concrete
No need to worry, our volumetric mixer trucks arrive on-site with the raw materials and water to mix fresh concrete on demand, meaning you get the exact amount that you need no more or no less
Do I Need To Set Up An Account Before I can Place An Order
You do not need an account with us to place an order we are happy to take payments by cash or card.
We can supply the concrete for your project - Lets talk

Give us a call
07837 737 944

We are on the map
Thunderbolt Quarry Farm

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